Small Fe-Lines drawings on table with pot of black ink and cat's whisker

Thinking in miniature

Two exhibitions in the space of a few months have led me to…

Pencil on paper on the ground, barely lit by the moon

A line towards the moon for 4WCoP23

Walking a line towards the moon: a postcard for The Fourth…

Logo of 4WCoP2022 text next to a globe

A postcard for #4WCoP2022

Walking a line towards the sun: a postcard for The Fourth…

Screenshot of Tide by Ruth Broadbent in the exhibition Ecologies of Drawing: In Situ

Ecologies of Drawing: In Situ

A still image from my recent work, Tide, has been selected…

Catching Sunlight in glass sphere


For the past year, I’ve been involved with a group of…

Drawing Trees Canopy

Drawing Trees for Urban Tree Festival 2021

I have created two activities for the Urban Tree Festival…