Thinking in miniature

Two exhibitions in the space of a few months have led me to thinking in miniature. Beyond Scale in drawing and sculpture: Groundlines and Fe-Lines, Shelf Miniatures and…

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Between the Lines: Exhibition

Thirty-nine of my drawings from cycling a line of ancient tracks across England, from Norfolk to Weymouth, for A Line Across England (Groundlines), are being exhibited in ‘Between…

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A line towards the moon for 4WCoP23

Walking a line towards the moon: a postcard for The Fourth World Congress of Psychogeography ‘Watch this Space’ 2023. A new variation of Groundlines and Walking a Line: Encounters…

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Towards a line of chalk

Four artists exchanging digital images, inspired by our walks and sent with no explanation attached. Over time our focus became chalk and limestone and was exhibited at Walking…

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Conversations from a Log

Conversations from a Log was an exchange of letters with Tamsin Grainger that became words, both spoken and written, walks and stitched maps. Through our correspondence and…

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Convergence / Divergence – Walking the Land

I met up with artists from Walking the Land for Convergence / Divergence, a three-day event in Gloucestershire. We exhibited and shared our projects, walked together and discussed…

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Elemental Drawings

A review of recent small studio works, elemental asides. Drawing the elements, from shells to drawing water, in hail, rain and snow: shell-lines, hail islands, cloud puddles and…

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A postcard for #4WCoP2022

Walking a line towards the sun: a postcard for The Fourth World Congress of Psychogeography ‘Wish We Were Here’ 2022. A new variation of Groundlines and Walking a Line: Encounters…

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Ecologies of Drawing: In Situ

A still image from my recent work, Tide, has been selected for Ecologies of Drawing: In Situ, a Drawing Research Network (DRN) exhibition, Loughborough University, 2022. Curated…

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Walking a Line for The Walkbook

Walking a Line: Encounters through drawing (a sensory engagement with the ground) is a recipe by Ruth Broadbent for The Walkbook: Recipes for Walking and Wellbeing, published by…

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