Terminalia: Salt Way boundary walk

I met up with artist and friend, Rhiannon Evans, for a Terminalia walk on 23 February. We selected Salt Way path for its history and because, for years, it has formed a natural…

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Groundlines and Puddle Worlds: maps as records of real and imaginary worlds

‘Groundlines and Puddle Worlds: maps as records of real and imaginary worlds', an article by Ruth Broadbent for Living Maps Review (Issue 12, Spring 2022, Mapworks). Mapping our…

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watermarks, tide, drawing and mapping water

Thoughts on recent works, ‘Watermarks, From the Water’s Edge’ (Walking The Land) and TIDE (video and drawings), with reflections on water and creative counter-mapping in my……

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November News and Updates

Latest updates including three artworks selected for #WalkCreate Gallery, thoughts on collaborative work and a recent drawing and video work, T I D E  for Watermarks, From the…

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Letting it settle – hyphæ drawing collective

Letting it settle is an exhibition of new work by hyphæ drawing collective, a group of ten artists who came together through drawing. These works emerged from six weeks of…

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Walking a Line: Encounters Through Drawing (Prespa 2021): UPCOMING EVENT

Register for my free online drawing activity, Walking a Line: Encounters Through Drawing, and find other talks and events during the WAC International Walking Arts Encounters /…

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For the past year, I’ve been involved with a group of walking artists, creating artwork for the Ground Works exhibition, Place Time Material, Landlinks and In Conversation…

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Drawing Trees for Urban Tree Festival 2021

I have created two activities for the Urban Tree Festival this year, a video, Zooming In: Drawing Bark, and a workshop, Drawing Trees: An Experimental Approach. For anyone…

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Drawing Breath

Reflections on drawing breath in my drawing and sculpture practice, from past to present. For some time now, I’ve been delving deeper into Drawing Breath. It’s always been part of…

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GROW: 10 letters 10 drawings

Six weeks diving into the world of drawing with Drawing Correspondence, throwing my usual ways of working up in the air and seeing what happened. A publication, GROW, published on…

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