Branching Out for the Urban Tree Festival

A drawing trees project that I created for the Urban Tree Festival, May 2020. It was during the first lockdown in England and the festival decided to move online. I received a…

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From town to countryside (a walk)

Just as we approached the start of town once again, a small gap in the hedge revealed itself, a new path created as old ones close. ... text and photographs record the surface of…

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Walking A Line (La Romieu) 2017

Walking a line – encounters through drawing / Marcher sur une ligne – rencontres par le dessin (2017). Works created for and at Made of Walking, a week with walking artists from…

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The Language of Line

Harriet Boardman • Ruth Broadbent • Jane Wafer The Language of Line exhibition brings together the work of three artists who stretch the boundaries of drawing and sculpture.…

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Serendipitous Symposium

‘If in doubt return to the field’ was Dr Harriet Hawkins’ opening to the symposium, Artists in the Field: Ephemeral Landscapes and Experimental Geographies... ...Yet more…

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I found myself drawn to the levers and wanting to record this line of communication, as well as catching the air from the signal box before and during demolition.

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Welcome to my new website

I have at last updated my website (long overdue) to add more images of my artwork as well as a new blog.

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